Friday, 8 June 2012

The Parish Walk - 85 miles of walking hell over 24 hours!

During a lull in conversation a little over three weeks ago (it doesn't happen often!) Amanda came out with a rather unexpected question, 'Shall we do the Parish Walk?'. I laughed, sighed then said no. Why would anyone bother to try and walk around the Parishes of the Isle of Man in under 24 hours? It's eighty bloody five miles for goodness sake. Needless to say the next day I was out walking 6 miles, then again every other day since, with a couple of longer walks thrown in to see if our legs and feet have it in them to take on such a challenge.

Each year 1,600 or so people partake in the 85 mile madness, most of whom, if their feet don't fall apart too early, retire after 32.5 miles on entering Peel, a cracking feat in itself. Another 10% of starters decide to battle against their own mind, fight off the will to stop placing one foot in front of another at Peel and fall back in a comfortable pub chair to fill up on golden Manx ale and then get the bus home for a good night sleep. This 10% push themselves to the limits, their feet riddled with blisters and their minds packed with sleepless delirium, all in an effort to complete what is known as The Parish Walk. Good luck to that load of nutters I say! Amanda intends to walk as far as her feet will carry her, Peel being her main target. I on the other hand
intend to drag myself across the finish line on my chest, with stumps dragging behind me (unless I get a blister of course).

Why are we doing this... Well as many of you know, in Feb of 2011, Amanda was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. Challenging months followed and the Penny Brohn Cancer Centre in Bristol was there to offer invaluable physical, emotional and spiritual support. They do this by providing a haven where those living with cancer and those close to them can spend time not only relaxing in the beautiful house and gardens but can also learn about the many ways in which they can empower and help themselves. Nutritionists provide consultations, advice and cookery demonstrations. The importance of exercise is emphasised and classes held daily. Self-help techniques including meditation and relaxation are taught to reduce stress and regain calm. Physical support is also on hand through massage, acupuncture and other bodywork therapies. Also emotional support is given through counselling, psychotherapy, group work and creative therapies like art and music which can help express repressed feelings. There is no charge to stay, relax, be cared for and educated at the Penny Brohn. They accept people from all over Europe. The Isle of Man included.

Mark & His Mum....

The Penny Brohn Cancer Centre is run entirely via charitable donations, so here we are raising money and awareness for one of the best Cancer Charities in the UK. A few weeks after we've recovered fully from attempting the Parish Walk, on Friday 13 July at Rowany Golf Club we have organised a Quiz and Charity Auction, a sure fire fun filled night. Make a note in your diaries, on your netbooks, in your iphones or blackberries, or if you're a yuppy from the 1980's, pop it in your filofax. Just don't forget!!! Fun, frolics and fund raising, all for a great cause. You will be having so much fun, you won't even realise you are raising funds for anything.... that's just the way we roll! Can you offer a prize or service for our fund raising auction? If you can your life will be blessed, all your ailments will be cured, and you will bathe in a life of wealth and happiness from here on in..... It's true! I donated to an auction once, and look at me! All help, support and donations will be gratefully received. For those that can't attend the Charity Auction & Quiz there will be a live link up via satellite between the Isle of Man and the rest of the world...... Ok..... So that's not going to happen. So how can you contribute to such a worthy cause you ask? Well how about kindly sponsoring us in our Parish Walk challenge? Click on the link below and make your donation online. If I don't manage to complete the 85 miles you can be assured that I pushed myself to the limit. I am going to try really hard, I promise.


  1. Can't seem to find the link to be a sponsor ??

    1. Hi Michael, thanks so much for your very generous and kind donation to our very worthy cause.

      Many thanks.

      Mark & Amanda

  2. Hi Micheal, the link is off to the right hand side of the page now.
    Many thanks.
