Monday 3 June 2013

Getting out and about....

It's great that Amanda is now getting out and about more.  We've been down to my folks, down to her folks and caught a sunset down at Bradda Head.
She is still suffering a lot of pain/discomfort, which makes her life very difficult, and is excessively tired most days.  Knocking out a  few hours of extra z's most afternoons.

The Protocel supplement is taken four times daily to aid Amanda's healing.  It has cured ( read Outsmart Your Cancer, it's not just for folks with cancer!)  many people of cancer since the 80's, when it was given free in the US by it's creators.  Then all the usual things happened with US Food & Drug Administration lot like all the other
potentially useful supplements, potions and techniques that have to go 'underground' due to the FDA's regulatory processes.  This group is meant to be hear to safe guard human life, but they constantly approve new drugs that cause further illnesses, deaths or in the case of anti-depressants, increased suicidal tendencies.  It's amazing.
Protocel works by reducing the 'capacitance' of the bodies cells, the electrical voltage that all our cells possess.  A differential between charges.  This differential helps cells hold their shape.  Cancer cells, although very fast replicating, are weaker with a lower electrical differential than normal healthy cells.  The theory is that if we can reduce the capacitance of the the entire body the electrical charges that allow the cancer cells to hold together become so weak that the cells simply fall apart.  This is known as lysing. This is obviously an extremely simplified version of events. The capacitance of the the normal cells is high enough to sustain this tiny reduction in capacitance, but the cancer cells exist on the cusp of electrical survival.  Protocel is a dark brown strong tasting liquid.  It's taken 4 times a day 6 hourly.

Paw Paw supplements worked to cut off the cancer cells energy production.
Simply put, cells need energy to live, survive, and multiply.  After all, we know that we must give our bodies energy in the form of food, it doesn't necessarily have to be crisps, biscuits, cake, chocolate, burgers, hot dogs and fizzy drinks either... although these have become the firm favourites of many humans, in some cases their daily staple!  During digestion, the food is broken down and put into a form that eventually can be utilized by the cells in our body.  One result of this process is the formation of blood sugar, or glucose.  As blood travels throughout the body, the cells absorb glucose.  All cells need it, but some need  a lot more than others and are thus high users, cancer cells are high users.  This is why a PET scan works so well in detecting cancer.  Glucose cells tagged with a radioactive isotope are injected or ingested.  After half an hour or so the scan shows the area where the majority of 'tagged' glucose cells are being used.  Thus showing tumours.

Cells have specialised molecules on their exterior that transport glucose from the blood into the cell, appropriately called "glucose transporters.  However, at this point, the process is not complete.  The cell must then convert the glucose into usable electrons, in other words, usable energy.  There are a couple of different processes that the cells use to accomplish this, but the vast majority of the metabolism (energy conversion) that takes place is through the mitochondria of the cell.  

The mitochondria resides on the interior of each cell.  Actually, each cell has hundreds or thousands of them.  (On the picture, the mitochondria are the "sausage-shaped" structures on the interior of the cell walls.)  As noted earlier, their primary purpose is to take glucose (from eating) and oxygen (from breathing) and use it to produce the energy that the cell needs.  The energy that is produced is called adenosine tryphosphate, or ATP for short.
In general, cancer cells fit the profile of "high users" of ATP.  In fact, some studies indicate that they need anywhere from 10-17 times as much ATP as a normal cell in order to survive and multiply.  Thus, if the ATP that is produced by the mitochondria of the cancer cells can be somehow controlled or reduced significantly, those cells can be negatively impacted, hopefully making them die off.

Acetogenins--the Substances that Reduce ATP
Research by Dr. Jerry McLaughlin of Purdue University found that the paw paw tree is a source of  substances known as acetogenins.  (Since the family Latin/scientific name of paw paw is Annonacea, these natural substances are often referred to in the literature as Annonaceous Acetogenins.)  
It is these acetogenins that he found to drastically reduce the ATP production of the cells' mitochondria.
There are several different acetogenins.  They vary from species to species of trees within the "paw paw family", and within other related trees.  However, Dr. McLaughlin found that the highest concentrations and most powerful acetogenins were in the Asimina triloba species of the paw paw. Furthermore, he found that there were even differences in the actual geographical location of the trees--noting during his research that some groves of trees were more potent than others.  

How the Acetogenins Work
When someone takes a source of acetogenins, such as a capsule of standardised paw paw extract, the blood supply gathers them up and delivers them throughout the body along with glucose.  Although a slight amount of acetogenins may wind up in non-cancer cells, the resulting lowering of ATP production is not enough in most of these cells to cause any problems.  The huge energy requirement of the cancerous cells tends to "hog" most of the acetogenins to those cells.  Furthermore, when the acetogenins start working on the "high-usage" cancer cells, the resultant drop in ATP energy production is much greater than it would be in most normal cells.  Thus, if cancer cells are present in the body, the paw paw tends to affect them, while leaving the normal cells alone.
Unlike chemotherapy, the paw paw works to "starve" the cancer cells instead of poisoning them.  Thus, the action is usually slower than chemotherapy.  However, the side effects are minimal, as discussed below.
The acetogenin energy-inhibiting properties work in basically four ways:

Acetogenins modulate/reduce the production of cellular energy (ATP), thus robbing the cancer cells of the energy it needs to survive.  This is the basic process described above, and certainly one of the most important.

Acetogenins help modulate/reduce the growth of blood vessels near the cancerous cells.  Since the cancer cells need more ATP, they need more glucose to convert into it.  Thus, the body tends to grow new blood vessels to deliver the glucose.  Actually, the new blood vessel growth needs ATP itself, so the ATP reduction helps reduce that growth that is necessary for cancer cell survival.

Acetogenins help reduce duplication of cancer cells.  The DNA and RNA are "blueprints" that affect the structure and behavior of cells.  However, ATP is an essential part of DNA and RNA division and reproduction.  The lowered levels of ATP tend to reduce rapid cell growth.

The Soursop tea works in a similar way, though may not be quite as potent.

Germanium 132
Organic Germanium has been studied most in Japan, where Dr Kuzihiko Asai discovered that certain medicinal plants such as ginseng, shiitake, garlic and chlorella contain naturally high concentrations of it, which would do much to explain their therapeutic properties.
Germanium seems to act through several mechanisms: it binds to oxygen to improve cellular respiration. It has a particular anti-viral and anti-fungal activity.As interferon's most important function is to augment and stimulate the body's production of natural killer (NK) cells, which directly combat cancer cells, it is no wonder that one review of the organic germanium's anti-tumor mechanisms concluded that germanium's most important and best described activity is its ability to cause tumor regression in a wide variety of experimental models.
In its organic form, each atom of germanium is bonded to three atoms of oxygen, making it an efficient carrier of oxygen. According to Dr. Stephen A. Levine, organic germanium seems to be able to partially substitute for or supplement oxygenation in living tissues. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel prize-winning cancer researcher, discovered that cancer cells cannot metabolize oxygen properly. (Beating Cancer With Nutrition - Revised by Patrick Quillin and Noreen Quillin) Flooding cells with oxygen retards the growth of cancer cells or can even help to return them to normal and protect the healthy ones. The "boosting" of available oxygen becomes significant as the underlying cause of many chronic diseases is free-radical damage resulting from insufficient cellular oxygenation. 

Several studies have reported orally administered Ge-132's ability to increase NK cell activity. Ge-132's ability to increase the activity of other kinds of white blood cells is also well documented. (Recalled by Life by Anthony J. Sattilaro). A study published in the Journal of Interferon Research concluded that "Organic germanium restores the normal function of T-cells, B-lymphocytes, natural killer cell activity, and the numbers of antibody-forming cells. Organic germanium has unique physiological activities without any significant side effects." 

Current thinking among researchers is that organic Germanium acts mainly by stimulating the body’s own natural defences.

Medicinal Plants:Average Germanium Content

Garlic754 ppm
Ginseng (Japanese variety)260-320 ppm
Aloe 77 ppm
Chlorella76 ppm

Amygdalin/Laetrile Therapy (Amygdalin - organic form found in kernels and pip of certain fruits)
(Laetrile the synthesised version which uses components of Amygdalin).
Amygdalin purified, concentrated and tweaked is known as Laetrile (Dr Krebs isolated and purified for use in cancer),  It possesses similar properties to other B vitamins, and has hence become unofficially known as B17.  

High natural levels of amygdalin are found in the kernels of apricots, prunes and the pips of apples.
4 components, 2 glucose components, 1 benzaldehyde and 1 cyanide.
Cyanide is toxic in pure gaseous form and of course taken in high doses, but  when locked in a molecule bonded with other components it may or may not be toxic, like in the case of Laetrile.  The cyanide is completely inert.  An unlocking enzyme releases the benzaldehyde to do it's work.  Vitamin B17 is unlocked at the cancer cell.  Rhodenase the protecting enzyme has the ability to neutralise cyanide component of the molecule, breaking it down to substances the body can utilise.
In reality there is no full understanding of how Amygdalin works.  There are theories, but nothing to prove why it does what it does.  Molecules don't work the same in a live human body as they do in a petri dish.

These few supplements and apricot kernels are combined with an alkaline diet.  Which is mainly vegan.  No processed sugar.... unless she cracks....

Amanda loves it when I do guided meditations for her.  Particularly 'bone breathing', where you visualise the bones acting like lungs, swelling and contracting with each breath.  Seeing the breath penetrating the bones, making the strong and healthy.  It can be applied to any other organ.  Meditation combined with visualisation.
Calming and healing.

Just been called!  Time for some 'bone breathing'.

Bye for now 


1 comment:

  1. As you know I've got an ology- therefore this makes complete sense and will work! Good work- keep it up
    Love and hugs susie xxx
