Saturday 7 May 2011

The week gone by - May 7th.

This week, you'll be surprised to know, we've had our head's in the books again.  We've enjoyed more beautiful weather, and the lettuce leaves are starting to show in the veg patch.  Amanda, whilst snuggled into my chest, shed a few tears of fear and anxiety, which anyone who has experienced what she has or any other form of life threatening illness will understand.  She also feels restricted by the therapy regime.  She is strong, but everyone has to release their emotions, clear the pipes as such.  Gerson Therapy is well under way, not always 13 juices but near enough 9 to13 daily.  Sometimes
there are other things to do in life, and Amanda doesn't want to ever feel smothered or forced into choices.  She wants to remain open to everything available to her.  Researching the vitamins and supplements is hard work, I will go into more detail on vitamins and supplements another time.
Everything we read still points to vegan nutrition, avoiding modern day toxins (in plastic containers, cosmetics, cleaning products etc) and having a mind that is free of stress, fear and anxiety.  The number of studies that have clearly demonstrated that meditation or deep relaxation can help a plethora of illnesses is incredible.  It seems having a mind that is 'at rest', ie. not constantly troubled by deep emotional issues (be them very old or new issues) seems to be very important indeed.  There have been direct correlations between experiences of very deep emotional stress and the development of cancer.  Folks that have lost a loved one, or gone through a divorce or experienced a huge upheaval  in their lives seem to be the most at risk.  Surprising findings... or maybe not.  Stress leads to what we all know as 'nervous breakdowns'.  The mind can no longer deal with the constant pressure up on it, the symptoms begin to show at a physical level.  Psychologists, physiologists and biologists are still trying to link the mind and body together, but the mind is even more complex than the body.  Biologists can see the body, they can touch the organs and nerves, they can analyse what they can see under a microscope.  But there are things they cannot touch, for instance our thoughts, they cannot touch the nerve impulses and the messages sent from our brain that affect our entire physiology.  Think about it for a second..... Our bodies are so complex it doesn't bear thinking about at times.... where do the scientists start?  The funding to carry out fully monitored scientific research, that finally produce 'statistics' at the end, in only one area, more often than not requires millions of pounds.  This is one of the reasons so many small development companies go under, they simply run out of cash whilst carrying out medical trials.  Compare this to the natural side of medicine.  There is virtually no funding at all, especially from governments and the like.  Many times treatments are self administered or diets followed under the guidance of nutritionists, but results, be it good or bad are rarely recorded.  For starters how can these natural practitioners ever prove their patients are following the regime that has been recommended once they are back home.  Are they strong enough to deny themselves certain food types, certain drinks.  Will they be willing to put themselves out when it comes to 'purifying' their physical bodies, through cutting out all the everyday chemicals they previously used day in, day out, such as, make-up, cleaning products, packaged foods, processed foods and the list goes on and on.  The majority are probably not strong willed enough.  Therefore any sorts of results become very diluted, inaccurate.  One doctor discussed with another about a Californian retreat where folks who had fallen ill to cancer could go and totally cleanse themselves for 12 months or more. Vegan diets, pure water along with natural stress-less living.  They discussed the fact of the far higher positive results for full regression or highly extended lives for these 'retreat' people, in comparison to the folks that do the chemo and radiotherapy then go back to what they were doing in the first place, eating the same, drinking the same, living the same lives. One of the doctors claimed, 'These people are not normal patients, they want to help themselves too, not just do what is recommended by their doctor.'  They carried on to discuss how the majority of patients just want to be told how to fix themselves quickly.  One went on to say that given the choice 80% or more of his patients, given the choice between having radical surgery and ongoing treatment versus changing their lifestyle radically, having to analyse everything they eat and drink, along with looking at what they do in life work wise, basically everything, they would go for the quick fix of surgery plus a little ongoing treatment.  Incredible.  They both came to the conclusion that most humans don't really want to have to put the effort in required to live a very healthy robust lifestyle.  Some consider themselves to be living a healthy lifestyle, but in all reality they are kidding themselves.
We have made radical changes.... and we will continue with them.  We took our first wholesale order of organic veg yesterday.  Terrific tomatoes, cracking carrots and awesome apples, all made their way from organic farms in the UK and the Netherlands.  Today I've made a massive order for next Friday.  Next Friday from 4pm we go into organic veg selling at 29 Queens Road.  Come along and fill your boots.  In typical eco friendly stylee, bring your own bags! 10% of any profits will be going to Penny Brohn Cancer Care.... it may only be about 40p, but it's something!  Ha ha!

Amanda has always loved ballet, and as a little girl she wanted to be a ballerina.
This week she attended a ballet class for adults - adults who have had no former ballet training may I add.  She had great fun, and has signed up to jump, spring, prance and twirl over the next 10 weeks, she will pirouetting like a good un' in no time!  She was prancing around the house the other day, she is pretty amazing, she moves very elegantly, like a gently flowing stream.  I think she's brilliant!
Last night we took a jaunt to Oxford's Jericho Tavern to listen to James Vincent McMorrow.  The man has the voice of an angel.  Velvet tones from deep within.... simply beautiful.  Spotify him, or download him from somewhere, his songs are wonderful.  On the way home to Banbury, the Smart car lights decided it was too dark for them, and went off.  For a few seconds we were driving blind.  Amanda went mental, I didn't mind, and felt I could still see plenty.  I had to continue the journey from the Woodstock roundabout with the full beam physically held on.... apologies to anyone heading toward Kidlington last night after 11pm... The oncoming trucks were fun, they have alot of head lights!

Today we have rain, the garden is rejoicing, the lettuces are laughing.  Every container we have is outside collecting water... stupid water meters!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh Jealous of the James Vincent McMorrow audience, love his music, and i suspect my mum may possibly be along for your veg sale at some point, supermarket veg is nothing compared to good old organic. =]
