Tuesday 24 May 2011

Bad-to-eat-icides & The Proob.

This week in addition to work, organic fruit n veg and Gerson Therapy, we have been reading 'Anti-cancer A New Way of Life.'  Again, another eye opener, cementing everything and more that I've already mentioned previously on nutrition and emotions.  The studies in this particular book are much more recent, plus lots of new discoveries nutritionally.  I don't want to turn this blog in to a 'How to Avoid Cancer' or 'How to Cure Cancer', there are plenty of books
 out there if you are interested enough.  Most aren't as 'It will never happen to me or any of my family'.  I've already recently discovered only a handful of our friends eat organic (I didn't), so I've decided to put out some un-organic offerings.  Come to the 29 Queens Street Organic Fruit & Veg Stall on a Friday evening (not this week as we are away, there you go burglars!  Robyn is in though, and her and her pissed friends will kick your burglaring arse if you try to come into our home any night of the week, especially on Thursday, Friday or Saturday night!) or at some point over the weekend, I can sit some goods aside.  I will even prepare them for you, I will coat them with a top brand of fly spray and ant deterrent, presented on a bed of blue slug pellets, it won't be commercial scale insecticides, it will be basic weak as p**s household stuff, so probably much less harmful.  I will even do the standard twenty to thirty percent reduction in price.  OK, OK, I'm being facetious, but think about it.  A standard supermarket apple can be sprayed with insecticide anywhere up to fifteen times before it is bagged and shelved!  Fifteen times!!!  Worth thinking about I reckon.  All the insecticides, herbicides and fungicides are all safe, they are tested over and over again, I hear you say.  Nope, sorry.  They are tested up to certain levels.... but if the effects are only small, they spray 'em on regardless. 
An interesting test recently carried out on the over 900 compounds used in our food processing and storage (over 900 out of 40,000 that are currently used) found that 97 were carcinogenic, over 400 were probable or possible carcinogenics (more tests needed) and the remainder had not been tested enough to substantiate whether they were carcinogenic or not..... That's a worry eh!  There was me at the beginning of this cancer fighting adventure saying 'organic-orshmanic', it just costs extra..... I was wrong.... Well I was right, , it does cost more, but I'd rather add a £4 or £5 to my weekly shopping than put myself and my family at potential risk, just acting ignorant to information that is there in black and white for us all to access if we can be bothered. 
Plastic coatings on the inside of cans and cartons have now been found to leach dangerous carcinogens back into our food, pthylates I believe (will have to check, lots of chemical names to try and remember!).  So there I am being all healthy, buying my organic chopped tomatoes in a carton, instead of a can, but it's a no go.... Bloody Nora, what can I buy!?  Ahhhh.... There's some organic Passata in a glass jar over there, tremendous.  We'd have been dining on dry pasta.  Pasta.... Another lovely but rubbish food..... Basically anything made with white flour is bad.  Check out the processing. Google white flour, find out if there is anything good in white flour - if you do find anything do let me know, pop it on a comment.  It rules out a few foods, but I'm not missing them.  All replaced with organic brown versions.  In fact we've cut out white flour, processed sugar and salt.  There should be enough already in the foods that we eat.  I will show you comparisons of what we used to eat, and what other countries eat compared to here and now another time.  It's insane!
There's loads we should be avoiding, but like I've said in previous posts, if people who actually have cancer, knowing that changing their diet and lifestyle could make them well again, won't avoid certain foods, drinks and chemicals, well what chance do the rest of us have.  It takes alot of effort to buck the trend, to change well established habits, especially when they are incredibly deep set over many, many years.  Recent readings have stated cancer generally develops over a long term, 15 to 30 years.  So you can be carrying on doing what your doing and have no ill effects for decades, until - BANG!!!
Fancy a list of foods to avoid (cancer promoters) and foods to take in (cancer inhibitors and fighters)?  I reckon the majority of you would be curious as to what is classed as 'cancer promoters' in food, you may even chose to avoid one or two, you may even bring a number of the 'inhibitors and fighters' into your diet, as a gesture of goodwill to your body.  But to be honest, if you aren't willing to get shut of all the crap from your diet, all the stuff that can potentially go into your body at least three times a day (I've excluded snacking Mr Fatty Pants), then there is little point in eating a couple of blue berries and lettuce leaves each day.  You need to stop the rubbish going in.  OH GOD!  I'm lecturing, I didn't mean to do that, but I'm doing it because I love everyone reading this, and I want you all to have healthy robust immune systems and bodies.  That's all.  Excuse me for caring!  Ha ha!  Let me know what you want to see on here.  Ask me some questions, I'll tell you what I've read.  When it comes to doing the blog now I have so much I want to pass on, but when I sit down I forget.  I also worry about upsetting the apple cart, ahem, the organic apple cart......

Amanda referred to the flat side of her chest last night as her scar.  I told her she may have that mark there for longer than she has been alive up until now, so she may as well refer to it as something nice.  She said she'd call it her 'gash' again.... Good Golly Miss Molly.  Hopefully she will become more comfortable with it, and not feel like she needs to cover it from me.  I love it, it's part of my wife now.  People ask me am I missing meat, well I'm not, and I'm not missing Amanda's right breast either.  The evil boob has gone for ever, long live the friendly, kind, caring left boob!  Amanda's new prosthesis, a lovely silicon number, can now be left with me when she goes off on her little breaks with 'Angelia' the juicer!  She couldn't do that before!  It's weighty and firm, and I can tell Amanda is frustrated that I spend alot of time on the new boob as opposed to her natural one.... I'm convinced there is sensation in it, as when ever I give it a squeeze she gives a new quizzical facial expression, which clearly indicates some sort of sensation!  Hurrah for silicon removable boobs that can be 'felt' on a remote basis. 'Boob Multi-room'.
All joking aside, Amanda has been super stressed trying to get a dress to fit for my brother's wedding this weekend.  Poor love was very frustrated.  The mastectomy bras never sit quite right for her, probably because I'm groping the prosthesis (or the proob) in the bedroom, whilst she is trying dresses on in front of the bathroom mirror!  She tried on four different outfits yesterday, my favourite?  All of them!  She looked stunning in each and every one, especially in-between dresses, if I had to pick a favourite it was that one!
So a week on the IOM, catching up with family and IOM friends. 

The juicer hasn't been to the Isle of Man yet, it's going to love it.  It's practice week for the TT races too, no doubt it will love the great atmosphere and all the motorbikes.  Not sure what it will make of the horizontal rain.  With her stainless steel exterior, it shouldn't upset her 'skin' too much. She'll love it!

Eat well!

Bye x

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