Friday, 24 June 2011

The Journey Manifestation Gig & Penny Brohn Cancer Centre

Well hello folks.
Last weekend Jane (Amanda's sister) came over from the Isle of Man to attend one of Brandon Bay's (The lady that started 'The Journey', an emotional self help programme) UK seminars, with Amanda.  This one was called 'Manifest Abundance'.  It's always great when Jane comes over, because for the few hours she is here, either on the way to a seminar or on the way back to the airport, she makes herself incredibly useful.  She takes over the juicing so Amanda and I can

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Pharmaceuticals Conglomerates, Medicines and Financial Markets.

Watched a very interesting documentary a couple of nights ago.  It was based around foods, vitamins and natural compounds used in treating and curing illnesses.  It illustrated that in America and the UK through misdiagnosis, allergic reactions to drugs with dire consequences and long term effects of prescriptions months or years down the line, along with hospital super bugs,  pharmaceutical companies (pharma's) hospitals and the medical profession are right up there with the top boys for leading causes of death in the US!  Bloody Nora, where does

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Amanda plays catch up.....

Hi Folks. Well it's been quite some time since I read Mark's blog and even longer since I posted on it.   I must say that as always, I enjoyed catching up on his thoughts, funnies and rantings...  However, if I'm honest, which I always aim to be - even more so recently after learning of the 'important psychological and physical benefits of honest,

Thursday, 2 June 2011


Well hello....
Long time no speak.  Last week we were on the Isle of Man for my brother's wedding.  I was playing best man, good God it was nerve racking, but it went well, and the speech was appreciated by most..... some may have found it a little offensive in places, but surely that's what a best mans' speech is all about!
Amanda spent time with her Mum, and even went to see her Dad, which is a strained relationship to say the least.  Less said, the better I think.  I caught lovely