Thursday 2 June 2011


Well hello....
Long time no speak.  Last week we were on the Isle of Man for my brother's wedding.  I was playing best man, good God it was nerve racking, but it went well, and the speech was appreciated by most..... some may have found it a little offensive in places, but surely that's what a best mans' speech is all about!
Amanda spent time with her Mum, and even went to see her Dad, which is a strained relationship to say the least.  Less said, the better I think.  I caught lovely
 fresh mackerel for breakfast, and Ray (Amanda's Step Dad) provided a couple of lovely lobsters for a cracking seafood salad.  Basking sharks were swimming into Port Erin bay, which was full of gannets, smashing into the water, taking sand eels, herring and mackerel.  The weather held out too, just a bit of wind, which is generally unavoidable on the Island, unless a massive high pressure is over it.  We were rushing around alot as usual.  Mum had been great, stocking up on organic produce ahead of our arrival.  We still had to hit Tesco's though, it's unbelievable how much we go through.  The 'Angel' enjoyed another night in a posh hotel the night of the wedding, and also enjoyed it first flight......
I've always wondered what real anxiety feels like, but then Amanda pointed out to me how anxious, petrified etc. etc. I am when I fly..... I was just as bad this time as ever.  Stupid planes, rubbish pilots!  Sweaty (cold)shaking palms, a deep unsettled panic within my chest and stomach area, muscles tight and ready for action..... it's bloody awful, and it only usually lasts about 10 to 15 minutes for me, and is only ever experienced on aircrafts.  Amanda has to try and deal with this traumatic sensation on a regular basis, it must be unbearable.  She has been a long term sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks, and my inflight experiences puts it into perspective, I understand how stressful it is on the body and mind.
Recent studies between the effects of stress and cancer have shown a solid, positive correlation between the two.  Not just a bit of stress with work or family now and again, or everyday rises in blood pressure, but long term stress and anxiety.  S&A that goes on and on, or indeed feelings of helplessness, so you can throw a little depression into that emotional loop too.  These are emotions Amanda is doing her damnedest to get a grip of, to control, through meditation, or relaxation exercises.
Psychological factors used to be quaffed at by many scientists, doctors and oncologists, but results of recent studies in the UK, US and Europe show such clear results, especially in survival rates, they can no longer be ignored.  These studies make for incredible reading, stuff that a few months ago I wouldn't have believed they'd have even bothered to carry out trials on, but there you go.  How could we think that any illness has nothing to do with our emotions, our psychology?  Depression can lead to suicide, and that is just a state of mind.  Our brains create emotion, and bodies react through the release of various hormones into our systems.  Prolonged secretion of these hormones have a very detrimental effects on our immune systems.  Again if you want to know how you can have a read of 'Anti-cancer a New Way of Life'.... or any of the recently published nutritional or emotional terrain based 'get yourself well' books (I don't like the word healing for some reason, it sounds all, well..... spiritual, wishy washy, and I don't mean to offend anyone, it's just a term that doesn't sit well with me, a personal thing, it's the biologist inside me.  Sorry x) .  I've cited 'Anti-cancer' as it illustrates the more recent studies carried out on nutrition and emotions. 
I'm going to learn how to sit on an aeroplane, and not sweat, panic and nearly cry every time I experience a turbulent, bumpy, sideways landing.... I'm going to learn to meditate.... It can't do me any harm, it can only help..... and the way I feel on aeroplanes, I'd give whispering at the setting sun, whilst stroking a field mouse and smelling lavender a go..... but I reckon security will no doubt kick up a fuss when they discover a small, furry mammal in my pocket, coming along for the ride, so meditation it is!


  1. so meditation it is!

  2. Meditation is powerful tool. Truly worth developing. An essential skill for bringing balance and clarity to a hectic modern life - enjoy practising x
