Saturday 10 September 2011

A fortnight slides by.......

Wow, and sorry.
Where did the time go?  We spent a week on the Isle of Man seeing our families.  I managed to get some superb surfing and fishing in, the inclement autumnal weather lending itself better to the surfing!  It was fantastic to escape the world for a few hours.  Bobbing around on the sea, wetsuited up, as it's bloody cold.  Just waiting for next swell to push it's way from the deep water up into the shallows, creating a beautiful wave to be ridden by it's luck captor,  it really was a joy.  Being out on the waves with three
 old best buddies from the Isle of Man was smashing.  Once again my family rallied round purchasing organic produce ahead of Amanda's arrival, my Mum having purchased a Gold Star top of the range juicer from Ebay a couple of months before.  This saves our Angel Juicer getting sea-sick on often tumultuous ferry crossings.
As per usual it's been a fortnight of emotional ups and downs, Amanda is doing alot more juicing now, but I'm back on board doing as much as I can, which I enjoy, because it means I'm helping my wonderful, beautiful wife rebuild her immune system into a cancer smashing machine!  I love it! 
On the Isle of Man we often find it difficult to get what we need 'organic' produce wise, even health food shop wise, but you can only buy what's there.  You would think with all the little local farms there'd be tonnes of organic produce, but as the demand is not there, the farmers aren't required to alter their herbicide and insecticide spraying ways.  The majority of the population are living in ignorant bliss to what's sprayed and fed to our fruit and veg before it hits the supermarket shelves.  What they don't know won't hurt them eh?  Sadly it probably does.  You only have to read what chemicals are used.  It's a real pity.  The only place  to buy organic on the Isle of Man really is Tesco.... Hrmph....
On our drive back to Banbury from Liverpool, Amanda suggested we take a few days away, a proper break from the UK, just Amanda and I.  Somewhere warm, where we have access to good fresh produce, no juicer, just really fresh and organic, almost a break from Gerson.  We would love this, it would be amazing for us both, though in the back of our minds, I'm sure we are both thinking should we?  Would Amanda end up worried that she wasn't sticking to her treatment, would I worry too?  Yes.  But at the same time, if low emotions are playing an immuno-suppressant role, and mental satisfaction, happiness, contentment have the opposite effect, it may well balance out!  I would certainly like to think so.  For Amanda, trying to stay full of happiness and joy, with peace of mind, is difficult, especially when following such a drawn out treatment as the Gerson Therapy.  Yes, you are providing your body with all it requires nutritionally through  the use of fresh organic produce, natural supplements and vitamins.  But you are doing it on a hyper-scale, with a timetable to adhere to.  Neither of us like timetables.  Especially ones that rule almost every waking hour.  It takes skill and determination to work things in around the treatment, but we just about manage.  Though sometimes it causes more stress than it's worth, which is what we are trying to eliminate.

Once again, I've not gone into details about the benefits of the coffee enema, and how the immune system is affected by our moods.  I suppose I only need to mention endorphins, the feel good proteins that our bodies produce when we are eathing or doing something we enjoy.  That's scratching the surface of the scratch on the main surface!  Ha ha!  I think one day where I feel I have the time I will go into lots of details about the various foods, vitamins, supplements and enemas.... but for now I need to care for my wife, advise my clients on their finances, sell organic veg, study for exams and plan a new and exciting life, to begin in a year or so.  Every minute seems precious..... and every day disappears so quickly.  We want to fit more fun things in, we don't want to be constantly stressed, under pressure.  We have made Gerson part of Amanda's life.  First of all it fitted like a two fingered glove made from staples, then after a month or two, a three fingered cardboard glove.  After 7 months, it now has five fingers, but it has various obstacles for your fingers to catch on as you slide it on, oh, and it's made of sandpaper. 

Nice to hear from Wendy again and of course Rose.  I hope you are both well x
Also a big thankyou to everyone who has supplied us with big, luscious, crispy apples, I love this time of year!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mark and Amanda, Checking in and happy to see your September post. Good to read about your relaxing vacation. The ocean is always both calming and fortifying. Sending more positive energy and thoughts to you. Keep it going, you are taking so many healthy steps. Rose
