Thursday 28 April 2011

Penny Brohn..... and Travellers.

On Tuesday I hit Tescos at 6.30am, it was lovely.  Only staff to get in my way, which seems to happen more in Tescos than any other supermarket in town.  After 10 minutes of fruiting and veg-ing, and swift drive home, I started Amanda's juicing regime at 7am.
I decided to do the full whack of juices for her, I was aiming for 13. By the end of the day she had swigged 12 fresh veg juices, no sorry, it was 11, as she didn't make her own one at 7pm whilst I was playing footy.  It's alot, and doing that much juicing is bloody time consuming to say the least.... for every 3-4 juices,
there is a 'coffee' to do.... Amanda is not enjoying these at all, they make her feel bloated and uncomfortable, she may revert to a few less juices and suffer only two 'coffees' per day as opposed to three or four.
Wednesday afternoon was spent at Penny Brohn.  Amanda had a doctor's appointment at 12pm and a Shiatsu Massage booked for 2pm.  This time we took the back roads, as opposed to looping up the M40, it was 30 miles shorter and was slightly quicker. Bonus!  I also discovered the Smart Car is actually pretty good on fuel at 9 pence per mile, bonus again!  Amanda's doctors appointment went on for over an hour, she was able to chat about her approach without feeling like she was being mocked.  This was obviously nice for Amanda, being taken seriously is nice for anyone!  She also thoroughly enjoyed her Shiatsu Massage, I enjoyed my little snooze in a relaxation area (sitting beside the lift at the top of the stairs in the sun), Amanda woke me with, 'Excuse me sir', in a strange manly voice.... it was disturbing to say the least.
On the return journey we stopped to take a look at some 'travellers' wood carvings.  We got chatting about one thing and another. Amanda told him about her recent weeks, and her beliefs and approach to beating it. 'I'm a healer' said the leather waist-coated gypo, 'I've been told I'm a natural.'.  'Oh.... cool', said Amanda, whilst I torched his tiny sleeping arrangement on wheels.  No, I didn't... in the end he gave Amanda the number of someone he knew, who could do something or other... possibly a faith healery type... or possibly another gypo.... God knows.  They were both lovely blokes in all honesty, and we stayed chatting with them for about 15 minutes.  We didn't purchase any carvings, mainly due to the fact that 'leather waistcoat' said, 'Make me an offer', so we made him an offer of £50 on a little wooden stool, and he said 'Nah', the stool had a price tag of £65 on it.... He didn't seem to want to come down in price, so his 'make an offer' turned out to be 'make an offer, so I can turn it down!'  Fruit bat!  We said our goodbyes, and he offered Amanda a big hug, she took him up on it, Amanda can't refuse a hug, not even from an extremely smelly wood carving gypo!  Ha ha!  Amanda confirmed his rather potent aroma as we walked to the car.  I new once he opened his arms Amanda was in trouble. Like a moth to a stinking flame. I was able to actually taste him from at least 3 metres.... and could see cartoon style pong fumes rising from him as we parked up.... I have since de-liced and scrubbed her!

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