Monday 28 March 2011

Back to the Rock....

Sorry for being lax the last few days. 
We made a late decision to head to the Isle of Man on Thursday night/Friday morning, immediately after we got thrashed in our semi final.  I was accompanied by James Vincent McMorrow's gentle dulcet tones, tremendous (cheers Carl!).  Amanda had the passengers seat laid back and slept, I listened to McMorrow on repeat for 3 full hours.  Amanda woke up for a short period,
listened to a couple of his musings, and wept.  Touching stuff, very emotional. 
The ferry departed at 2.15am, it was extremely quiet, with no more than 25 passengers.  We slept on and off over the 4 hour journey, arriving in Douglas Bay at 6am.  It's an exhausting trip..... tiring for me, but shattering for Amanda. 
We spent the first day inbetween both our families, Amanda suffering from extreme anxiety ahead of any family get together.  Each time little meditation sorted this out, settling her nerves and calming her mind. 
My Mum had gone out shopping, purchasing organic this, organic that, very sweet of her.  Our sister in law purchased a juicer, the weekend we arrived, which is now held captive in our kitchen for the remainder of our stay. 
Amanda's Mum, Aunty and Sister's were all relieved to see her in such good shape, and with such strength of mind.  Amanda enjoyed catching up with them all, informing them in great detail of her radically natural approach in taking this thing on.  They all showed great support, which is exactly what we wanted them to do.  Thank you all so much.  Linda (Amanda's Aunty) asked if Amanda was still eating fish, 'I have some diver sourced scallops that you could take'..... 'No she isn't Linda, but I am, I'll remind you before we leave.'  She laughed.  I ate like a king that evening.  They were the biggest scallops I'd seen in years! 

Since arriving back on the Isle of Man, Amanda has spent much time studying the Gerson Therapy Treatment, and has since decided to follow the Gerson diet.  Berries, nuts and seeds are now out.  But spuds are in!  Woo hoo!!!  The rest is pretty similar, lots of raw, lots or organic... in fact lots and lots of raw and organic, 13 glasses of veg juice per day.... That's a lot by anyones standards.... 20lb of fruit and veg per day....  Surely such vast amounts of organic fruit and veg will stand us in good stead for commercial buyers price lists?  I think I will have to have a chat with one or two of the organic farms in the area.  Able & Cole could drop a full van off each week! 
The machinery required for juicing a market stall's worth of fruit and veg each week costs between £700 and £1,500.... Wow.... but you need a big engine, and a low rpm.  The high revolution ones, the types you can purchase on the high street, create too much heat, destroying many of the plant enzymes.  Neither do they manage to blitz and spin all the juice out of the pulp.  The super duper juicers grind the veg slowly to a very fine pulp, then compress the pulp under high pressure, squeezing every last drop of fluid from the damp powdered remnants of whatever root  had been plunged into the veg slaughtering system.  These things are heavy too.  Anywhere from 12kg's to 14kg's!
According to Gerson, you can't make a load of juice at once either, it must be made fresh each time.... Anyone who has ever owned a juicer will no doubt have experienced the joys of cleaning the parts afterwards.  Hence the reason they usually end up reboxed, and in most peoples cupboards or lofts!  I have decided that I shall not wash the new juicer.... EVER!  I will simply juice continually, extremely slowly throughout the day.... it will be akin to painting the Fourth Bridge..... just as Amanda starts one juice, I will be  half way through the next, and so on and so on!

The Gerson Therapy Centre in Hungary is welcoming us in May.... at £6,500 (£6k for Amanda, £500 for me to go along) I'm hoping for luxury, but I don't think that's what I'll be getting.  Amanda will be getting all the treatments (including coffee enemas!! I used to enjoy the smell of coffee in the morning, but I reckon this could change!), all sorts of tests, along with dietary plans tailored to her specific condition. 
No doubt I will be caged somewhere outside, with meagre offerings of fruit and veg peelings served with steaming mugs of very strange flavoured coffee to wash away the bitter taste.
Having read so much about how the Gerson Therapy Centre work, I'm looking forward to it for Amanda's sake.  She is so looking forward to trying this alternative method to keeping 'c' at bay.

Amanda has always been into yoga, meditation, buddhist beliefs and spiritual stuff.  It's never been my thing.
She has been meditating a lot recently, to assist her in maintaining an inner calmness, thus allowing her to feel what is going on inside her body at the moment.  Yesterday morning she came out of her session glowing.  She can never usually see herself in the future when she meditates, yet this particular session she saw the two of us snowboarding with Carl & Kate-Anne (you better start linking those turns for next season!!!) next season, and she saw us both on a beath together.  She saw a few things, all involving the future.  If you have ever known Amanda well, she has never planned for the future, she never knows what was happening one week to the next.  It was nice to hear her talk like this.  She so enjoyed her meditational visualisation, she was sooooo happy afterwards.  It was a joy to witness such comfort and contentment in her eyes.

Before we left for the Isle of Man, I promised Amanda I would read a book called 'The Journey'.  It's about a woman who was in the body and mind healing business, who suffered a huge tumour and managed to cure herself.  It all seemed a bit much for me, as this woman believed she cured herself through self discovery, clearing blockages in her physical and mental systems, via a kind of meditation.  I read the entire book from front to back, I still struggled not to scream at it a few times, especially at some of the outrageous  claims.  I also read people's stories, people who suffered terrible illnesses, and through this method, managed to heal themselves.  Sceptical me doesn't believe in all this hocus pocus.  But the part of me (all of me) that loves my wife dearly is willing to be open to everything.  I have removed my 'shut to the alternative blinkers', my 'science is the only way hat' and I'm skipping through the fields of natural healing via diet, mind control and meditation.  The crops that grow in these particular fields are of course organic, therefore not everyone likes the look of them, or indeed the cost.  They have become used to conventional crops.  But what are conventional crops now?  Well as we all know, they are crops smothered in herbicides, pesticides and various fertilisers.  Going back to nature could well be considered very strange indeed.  Especially when you consider what we now accept as being normal.  Normal now is, crops and livestock altered for our very own convenience, via the aforementioned 'protectors' and 'enhancers'.  Pass me the insecticide dear!  No ta, not for me, I'm cutting down. That's pretty much the basis of these super healthy diets. 
Tonight I ate lamb hotpot... It was bloody gorgeous, I also had all those massive scallops yesterday... oh, and a homemade (sorry, two homemade) mexican burgers (thanks Tina) last night whilst we dined at my brothers and finace's home.  These foods didn't make me feel any better than that of which I've eaten over the past few weeks, pretty much vegetarian (eating with Amanda), and having had no dairy over these weeks either (bar a few naughty little chunks of blue cheese, that was once probably cheddar, but has rotted in the back of our fridge) has done me no harm whatsoever.  The vegetarian diet hasn't suddenly made me weaker, with less energy, or anything else I'd have expected to experience.  It's clearly affected my mind.... you only have to read this blog to work that out.  But otherwise I feel great. 
Amanda's arm pain is just beginning to subside ever so slightly now, though the tendon running from her armpit to her elbow still resembles that of an ill fitting cheese wire, taught under her skin.  I can see why she is in constant pain.  She is still becoming worn out very quickly, which is frustrating her no end.  She expects to be up and running again already.  But the recovery is going to take more time than she expected, she's just going to have to accept that.

She is booking to go on 'The Journey' seminar in London, and I have a feeling her sister, Jane, may also attend.  I hope so, as she really believes in this sort of thing, so it would be great for Amanda to have her there.  I could go along, I just feel Jane would be a better representative for this sort of thing.  I may have removed my blinkers, but my sunglasses still cut out quite a bit of light.

Jan, thanks for all the information on Gerson, and for getting Leo to share his recovery story, it's bloody awesome, and just goes to show what can be done.

I'm tired, it's past midnight, I'm going to bed.
Our UK mobs are off, as they cost a fortune to receive calls and texts on the rock, so please leave your comments as usual on the blog.

The sponsorship's going really well, thanks for all those who have delved into their pockets.
The Quiz and Auction Night will be a great too, please put in an appearance, we'd love to have you all there.  Please email me at so I can confirm numbers for the night.

Thanks everyone.


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