Wednesday 2 March 2011

What Amanda Wants.....

In this order,
  • Not to have breast cancer in the first place, but she has, so let's move on.
  • Another Ultrasound tomorrow at her Pre-op meeting.
  • A lumpectomy as opposed to a mastectomy.... though this is dependent upon what those other little bastard cells are in the surrounding tissue. Amanda says if they are not to far gone, she will smash them about with fruit, veg, seeds and nuts.... I'm at breaking point, so I doubt the pre invassive cells have a chance!
  • An SLN Biopsy, just the sentinel node (one or two) removed from under the armpit. This is to reduce lymphodeama. Some hospitals carry out axillary sampling, taking a few lymph nodes, thus increasing the risk of lymphodeama. JR still do this, but are changing their ways in 3 months. A little late, in my opinion, so we may have to have some heated discussions. Afterall these are life changing decisions.
  • No Chemo.... yes, you read it here.... no chemo.... we will have to wait and see on this one, as it could change. She would rather radically alter her diet for now, and if things aren't panning out positvely on the diet front, consider chemo as treatment if need be. I feel confident about her decisions, and she will know when to take further action if need be.

What I want:

Well that doesn't really come into it, but just for the record:

  • My wife back fit and healthy, after operation and any adjuvant therapies that maybe required.

That's it really, not that much to ask.

1 comment:

  1. "In the stage III setting, we truly need to separate patients into the ones who have minuscule ailment in their lymph hubs versus the patients who present with massive infection and plainly visible ailment

    Adjuvant Therapies
