Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Results.

Good news. We weren't involved in a major car accident on the way to the hospital, the birds were singing the bees were humming, the sun was blazing. Simply lovely.

We arrived at the hospital, Amanda had her pea sized lump checked. Sally suggested it was just part of the scar tissue, but Dehalvi could take a look next week, just to set her mind at ease.

I made Amanda a cup of green tea, and myself a strong black tea with a splash of milk, and half a teaspoon of sugar. We went into the little side room,
Sally popped the harsh, overhead light on, I asked could I open the blinds instead. As I pulled on the string, rays of sunshine lit the room with a warm glow.
They discussed Amanda's current pain, reiterating the fact that she'd had major surgery a little over two weeks ago. The tendons were tight and the nerves were fraught, in more ways than one.
Cut to the fecking chase I thought. I gulped a mouthful of hot tea. Tea, that was in fact far too hot to be filling my mouth. I had the choice to swallow and burn my oesophagus from top to bottom, or spray Sally in the face with PG's finest. As I swallowed I winced.
'Ok' she said. About bloody time I thought. Better be good Sally.
'It's not the news you wanted'..... echoed in my ears over and over. I reached for Amanda's hand.
We looked at one another briefly, with crooked disappointed expressions. No tears, just disappointment. I think we had prepared our own minds for whatever news was given.
Out of the four nodes taken (Dehalvi said he'd taken 6) one had cancerous cells present.
Good news! Only one had cancerous cells present. Positive spin? Yes, maybe. Why be negative. She could have said you're bloody riddled, nothing we can do, on your way love.
The tumour was 23mm in diameter, with another 10mm of 'bad to be' cells surrounding it.
What's next? Sally went on to offer the full menu, everything they had on offer to eradicate any cancer cells that may, or may not be present in the body. The cancer scored 6 out of 8 on the Oestrogen stimulated scoreboard. Bye bye booze! It was also positive for HER2 (another receptor that stimulates the growth of cancer cells in Amanda's body). They offered Amanda the nausea inducing, follicle smashing, immune system smothering, menopause accelerating bumper pack. The whole conventional cancer fighting menu in it's entirity.
Once Sally finished selling the treatment, Amanda kicked in with a three thousand word retort, on other ways, alternatives, studies that have been proved, people that have self healed through various methods. Her passion was incredible. Mid way through Amanda looked at me, and asked if I was alright, her face was rigid, almost angry (she later told me, had she seen me whimpering or sobbing, or my answer had been, no, she'd have asked me to leave the room! Little minx!), I replied, 'yeh, fine.' Lucky eh? Sally couldn't really argue, as Amanda rightly pointed out, there was no proof against these methods that had worked for other people, for the ones brave enough to try. I know for one I'm not. I would head conventional every time.... probably. There are lots of stories out there. There are many blogs like ours, where people are fighting cancer alternatively.

We drove out to Farnborough Hall, took a long walk, lay in a field with the sunshine on our faces, listened to the birds singing, watched the butterflies fluttering, and chatted about how Amanda wanted to tackle this. Basically we know as much as they do at this current time. There may be no cancer in Amanda's body whatsoever now, they know no more than we do. But they are willing, as a precaution, to flood her system with various medications, that have a plethora of side effects. Amanda is doing it her way. Organic, vegan and raw. With lots of meditation and soul searching.
If you've ever heard her talk about this sort of thing, you will be transfixed. Her faith, passion and commitment is thought provoking. I will support her all the way.
As we came back into town Amanda said we should go to the Easington, sit in the beer garden. She had a still water, I had a cool, crisp, delicious pint of Fosters..... Amanda began chatting again.
Do you know what her main worry was? What was causing her the most anxiety (which she doesn't need right now)? It was having to explain, to fight against her friends and family over what she wants to do, how she wants to take this thing on. Madness I told her.
I would like you all to show her your full support, love and encouragement, get right behind her in this. It's Amanda's life, these are her decisions. They are decisions she hasn't made lightly. She has read tonnes and tonnes on all the conventional treatments, as well as the alternatives. It's not as though she is just throwing the towel in, she wants to live a happy full life. She is going for it with gusto, just on a different route to the conventional one. Like Amanda said, whilst we were walking today, she is so against having her body flooded with medication, the fact she doesn't believe it will benefit her, and will simply make matters worse, will make her depressed and anxious. This will not assist the healing process whatsoever. The fact that she believes in the alternatives, and has such faith, will at least make her mentally strong, therefore ensuring the physical effort is put in.
We are not there to fight or tell her what's right and wrong. What knowledge do we have that outweighs hers? None. Not even the doctors, surgeons and nurses provide any guarantees, nothing.... this may work, this may not work. Well that's the same with Amanda's approach.

I will never tell her what she is doing is wrong, she is doing it because she believes this approach will get her back to full health. Her life isn't my life to command and control, I am simply lucky that I get to share my life with her, as I'm sure you'll agree, we all are.
Stay positive, no tears, they are totally unnecessary... Smile and think of Amanda constantly eating and drinking raw fruit and veg! She says 'Thanks' to everyone who is following and supporting her cause. She doesn't want lots of phone calls and texts, but will check the blog daily for messages, and will leave messages too x


  1. Update on 'No emails and texts!'
    She does like emails and texts... I got confused! No passing visits or phone calls is what I meant. Sorry folks..... I get myself into awful hot water by relaying incorrect messages. Peace & Love Dudes and Dudettes x

  2. Good for you Amanda! As a fellow strong-minded individual (stubborn git), I think you're entirely justified in fighting the next stage on your own terms.

    The surgery was obviously a huge sacrifice and massive compromise for you personally, but when you made that decision I was relived because I thought it was the best way with dealing with an evil tumour. HOWEVER, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the approach you are now taking is going to be best for clearing up the last few evil cells (if they are even there!!!!!!). Horses for courses I guess - more drastic treatment for big evil tumour and more proportionate, alternative treatment just in case there are a couple of nasty cells left. Good decision I say!

    Looking forward to seeing you and buying you a pint of their finest water down at the football club!

    Lots of love and wholehearted support xx

  3. Amanda you get more and more beautiful by the day! As I'm sure your soppy hubby would agree :)

    Your bravery, faith and sheer determination is truly inspiring.

    Lots of positive vibes and support coming at you from Faringdon.


    Ps I can confirm that Stu really is a very, very stubborn git!

  4. AJ this is your decision and only yours; all those who love you will support you and keep positive energy around you. Even those who struggle with your choice because they don’t share your beliefs and faith will respect that these are your life choices to make, not theirs. Stop worrying about everyone need to be ever so slightly selfish my lovely and focus just on you for the next while. We will let you go back to worrying about everyone else once you are back in tip top health.
    Stay strong, positive and focus on healing and remember you are surrounded by love and friendship. I hope your faith will bring you peace and renewed good health. You have such a courageous spirit and a truly beautiful soul.
    Now go conquer any bloody rogue cells......on your terms.
    Love you lots

  5. It was lovely to see you both the other day. It was obvious that you are determined to go the holistic route and I admire you for that.

    Sending Love, Hugs and wholehearted support from the IOM.

    Sandra xx

    PS: what was the title of that Chinese book? xx

  6. Thanks so much for your kind words, understanding and support. It's not that I worry about you lot thinking I'm odd and disagreeing with my decision. I've never been one to quietly and unquestionly conform. I have however always followed my heart - often foolishly and irresponsibly. But this decision is different, it's neither foolish nor irresponsible. It's born out of not only lots of indepth research but also a deep inner knowing, a surety and calmess I can't explain, I truly believe that this is the right path for me. What I fear is that those I love that do not share my knowledge and beliefs will suffer, worry and be saddened by my choice. This thought makes me sad. I ask those that feel this way to just TRUST - Dont worry, just relax, and believe that I know in my heart what is right for me.

    Lots and love and hugs to you all.

    Oh and Janni after your suggestion Mark and I shared a tree hug today. I have to admit its not our first... Do you think you're friend who had the Gerson therapy would share his story with me? I'd love to here it... x

  7. As far as we see it these cells have got off lightly! Do they know the size of the holistic can of whoop-ass you are going to deliver?!

    Behind you 100%. In the little time we've known you we have learned one thing and that's never to doubt you, unless it comes to directions :-)

    Anyway, I have a little gripe to pick with you. K-A has now decided to go all veggie on me. No meat in 3 days, it's a famine, I'm literally fading away.

    Also, you are making me feel like a right TWAT. As I go about my day to day activities overly stressing about things that may not happen or do happen and there is nothing that I can do about it! (I actually got stressed about the birds sh*&*ng on my car!!) You're actually making decisions and trusting your instincts. There is a lesson in there somewhere.

    Yours as long as you want us KA & Carl

  8. I have to admit I am a tree hugging fan too! its just our hippy, rock, chica side coming to the surface! Anyway honey, no problem I am on the case with my friend who used the Gerson Therapy. I will let you know as soon as I get in touch with them. Meanwhile........ keep strong, you are amazing, I have so much admiration for you, and I would 100% back your choice, as I do personally know someone who has had fantastic results from going down the same route, (thats sounds very car directiony!! I told you I am no good at writing, and have the tendency to make up non existent words!)
    Love and peace

  9. Hi Lovely Peeps!

    I may have to do this over a couple of post as there is a word limit, and I am not very high tec!! and am not sure how else to do it! but my email address is if you would like to email me your address so you can open the link!! But here goes, hope you are doing ok...

    Gerson Therapy and
    Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
    by Leo Almaguerp
    Tuesdays With Charlotte
    by Scott Stobbe
    Gerson Institute
    HEALING news

    At the age of 29, I was touring around the world, singing in one of the Salsa shows that had been my life for the last few years. My lifestyle was pretty normal for a young artist who enjoyed his job; plenty of receptions and invitations to parties in each country we visited. Alcohol, drugs, the lack of control and rest, and imbalance of nutrition were all on the menu.
    I think it is important to mention that the toxins were not only being accumulated in my organism because of what I was consuming, but behind a big wall of laughter and happy times, hid a series of feelings and personal problems. As these were not being addressed or sorted out, they began to affect and harm my immune system,
    Finding the first lump, which was the size of a tennis ball under my left armpit, was what took me to the Accident and Emergency Department at Cheltenham Hospital in England, whilst still on tour. I did not suspect that the results of the blood test would show a dramatic Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which was already in its fourth and last level. My first reaction was to believe that the doctors would offer me a treatment to return me back to normalcy.
    After the biopsy and other analyses, which resulted in a two-week hospital stay, the oncologist told us that there was no chemotherapy available that would be sufficiently effective to cure my cancer. As such, the best thing I could do would be to sign up for a trial to test new drugs in the time I had left – which he gave as between 6 months to a year. The specialist became extremely irritable when my answer was finally that this was not to signify my demise. In the torment of the moment only one thing was clear to me: they could offer me no cure so I had to try it for myself. I left the hospital like someone who was escaping through a giant grey cloud without knowing exactly which direction to take.
    The only thing that returned some light to my world following the words of the oncologist was to hear and understand the essence of the Gerson Therapy. Fifteen years beforehand, my wife’s aunt had cured her breast cancer using this therapy. Convinced that for sure this was the road to take, we contacted the Gerson Institute in San Diego, and they in turn referred us to certified Gerson Practitioner, Stephen Gamble here in the United Kingdom.
    The next four years were guided by the strict and disciplined schedule that was implemented by Stephen month after month, following each blood test. The results were almost immediate. After just a few weeks on the treatment, the many lumps which had appeared in my body started to reduce in size. Once again, I was convinced that if Dr. Gerson’s book stated its ‘50 cases’, I would be the 51st

  10. ......Of course, the road would be very long, solitary and difficult. I could never have imagined how much. From the beginning, I felt very distant from society. I hardly saw anyone
    and, especially during the first year, I rarely left my bed. During the first few months, the toxins that were trying to escape from within me turned the enemas into nightmare scenarios which I wasn’t always able to hold them for the full fifteen minutes. My body had swallowed a “curative ball” which I felt rolling around different areas of my interior on a daily basis. Sometimes, I would recount how I felt a tickling sensation in my right arm, other times it was definitely working on a leg. I’m not going to go into much detail about the mixed - and not very pleasant smells - that would exude from my armpits! There were also violent scenes when I was unable to contain my anger: screaming, shouting and in a bad mood. On other occasions, I was very clear in what I needed to say, express, and to put into words what I was feeling or thinking deep down inside. Sometimes, after these scenes I would experience a “healing reaction.” On one occasion, suddenly my skin began to burn on my lower back, which left a red mark for more than a week, while at the same time, my whole body began to itch as if a rash had to leave my body in the middle of an argument, which sent me running to the shower in desperation.
    There were also few months when I would cry continually very warm tears, which seemed to just flow without any prior warning or any sentimental motivation. My world was reduced to castor oil, daily injections, hourly juices, the toilet and not much else. I read books by Deepak Chopra, which connected me to a mentality where all was possible and positive. I used visualisation techniques in which a powerful and organised army of white cells were helping from the inside; or maybe I would prefer to swim in clear waters amongst mermaids who nourished me and could eliminate my toxins. It was quite clearly time to introduce into my body all the goodness of nature and release all the badness that I had allowed in; time to grow and learn.
    My senses started to unblock, and I found any artificial smell unbearable. My ears and attention dedicated special time to singing and watching the behaviour of birds or whichever insect or creation of nature surrounded me. Not only was I leaving behind a deadly illness, I was rescuing myself, returning to what we are when we are born.

  11. ...........My General Practitioner, whom I visited monthly for blood tests, at the beginning looked at me with sorry eyes, thinking that I was soon to disappear. She took the time to explain the surgical interventions that they could offer me, once my tumours became so big that they would impede the natural function of my vital organs, and asked if I was still continuing with the Gerson regimen. The blood results improved gradually, although sometimes there were imbalances, and those were the times when she would insist that I consider conventional assistance. My answer was always accompanied by a smile and a polite “no thanks!” For Stephen the changes or alterations were perfectly justified, which served to renew my confidence and assurance to continue day by day, month by month, year by year.
    I was feeling more and more different, possessed by a strange happiness, and the vegetables, which I found hard to assimilate in the beginning had become unbearably delicious. The therapy, now more reduced, allowed me to see light at the end of the tunnel.
    Now, on the cusp of my 35th birthday I wouldn’t say that I live a “normal” life, if normality refers to what I knew before. I exercise regularly and only rarely stray from the Gerson diet. I have also maintained enemas and frequent juices. Now, I look people in the eyes and tell them what I have to say. In other words, I live my life far from toxins and proudly breathe in my triumph and all that I have learned.
    Today, I advise friends and family to practice the principals of Gerson, for prevention, or simply for common sense.
    I would not be able to finish this recount without mentioning that the incredible, intelligent, constant, patient work and determination that my wife Rebecca showed throughout this journey with me, and has made this story’s happy ending possible, which I would have been unable to do alone.
    Gerson Therapy and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

  12. ps, by the way Leo, is my friend, whose story is above! Well you probably guessed that anyway, but just to confirm it! oh god I am so Blonde!!


  13. From Amanda.

    Hi Janni, x
    Thanks so much for sharing Leo's story with me. Other peoples success stories really help me to stay positive and feel empowered. Whilst conventional doctors and others, who do not agree with my decision,intentionally or otherwise project their fears on to me and bring me down. I would love to email Leo and find out more about who facilitated his treatment. Perhaps you could ask him to take a look at this blog and email me, if he is happy to do so.

    Many many thanks X Love and hugs AJ X

  14. Hi Amanda,

    I have just sent you an email :)

